Τop 20 albums 2009
1. Florence and The Machine “Lungs”
2. Bat for Lashes “Two Suns”
3. The Flowers of Hell “Come Hell of High Water”
4. Broken Records “Until the Earth Begins To Part”
5. Franz Ferdinand “Tonight: Franz Ferdinand”
6. Film “Persona”
7. The Veils "Sun Gangs"
8. Bob Dylan “Together Through Life”
9. Arctic Monkeys "Humbug"
10. PJ Harvey, John Parish "A Woman A Man Walked By"
11. Moby “Wait for Me”
12. Yeah Yeah Yeahs "It's Blitz!"
13. Archive “Controlling Crowds”
14. Vodka Juniors “Dark Poetry”
15. Blue Pilots Project “Reboot”
16. Placebo “Battle For The Sun”
17. Monsieur Minimal “Lollipop”
18. An Orange End “Lego”
19. Serafim Tsotsonis “So This Is Heaven”
20. Flakes “Lick Yo Urfin Gersi f Youlik Eit”
2. Bat for Lashes “Two Suns”
3. The Flowers of Hell “Come Hell of High Water”
4. Broken Records “Until the Earth Begins To Part”
5. Franz Ferdinand “Tonight: Franz Ferdinand”
6. Film “Persona”
7. The Veils "Sun Gangs"
8. Bob Dylan “Together Through Life”
9. Arctic Monkeys "Humbug"
10. PJ Harvey, John Parish "A Woman A Man Walked By"
11. Moby “Wait for Me”
12. Yeah Yeah Yeahs "It's Blitz!"
13. Archive “Controlling Crowds”
14. Vodka Juniors “Dark Poetry”
15. Blue Pilots Project “Reboot”
16. Placebo “Battle For The Sun”
17. Monsieur Minimal “Lollipop”
18. An Orange End “Lego”
19. Serafim Tsotsonis “So This Is Heaven”
20. Flakes “Lick Yo Urfin Gersi f Youlik Eit”

1. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium (2006)
2. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Abbatoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus (2004)
3. Travis - The Invisible Band (2001)
4. U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind (2000)
5. The Doves - Lost Souls (2000)
6. Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002)
7. Morcheeba – Dive Deep (2008)
8. PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (2000)
9. Τhe Verve – Forth (2008)
10. The Walkabouts - Drunken Soundtracks (2005)
11. Calexico - Hot Rail (2000)
12. Paul Weller - 22 Dreams (2008)
13. Martina Topley Bird - Quixotic (2003)
14. Bob Dylan - Modern Times (2006)
15. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me (2002)
16. New Order - Waiting for the sirens’ call (2005)
17. The Cardigans - Long Gone Before Daylight (2003)
18. Lanterna - Elm Street (2006)
19. Madrugada - Madrugada (2008)
20. Archive - You All Look The Same To Me (2002)
Note: Ξεκίνησα να καταρτίσω δυο διαφορετικά Top-20 (ένα για ελληνικά και ένα για διεθνή albums), πράγμα που in fact θα έβγαζε τέσσερα Tops, δυο για τη δεκαετία και δυο για τη χρονιά που μας πέρασε.
Όμως το παιχνίδι δεν παίζεται έτσι - αλλά με ένα Top κατά περίσταση (ελληνικών και διεθνή albums μαζί), πράγμα το οποίο όσο κι αν με χαλάει γιατί δεν μπορώ να χωρέσω σε αυτό αγαπημένα μου albums όπως π.χ. της Monika (το οποίο, όσο σούπερ κι αν ήταν δεν θα το έβαζα και στα albums της δεκαετίας), με βρίσκει σύμφωνο.
So here it is, lads. One for the money, two for the show.
Καλές γιορτές.
1 comment:
Για την ιστορία, πριν την συνένωσή τους, τα top μου είχαν ως εξής:
Τop 20 ξένων albums 2000 - 2010
1. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium (2006)
2. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Abbatoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus (2004)
3. Travis - The Invisible Band (2001)
4. U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind (2000)
5. The Doves - Lost Souls (2000)
6. Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002)
7. Morcheeba – Dive Deep (2008)
8. PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (2000)
9. Τhe Verve – Forth (2008)
10. The Walkabouts - Drunken Soundtracks (2005)
11. Calexico - Hot Rail (2000)
12. Paul Weller - 22 Dreams (2008)
13. Martina Topley Bird - Quixotic (2003)
14. Bob Dylan - Modern Times (2006)
15. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me (2002)
16. New Order - Waiting for the sirens’ call (2005)
17. The Cardigans - Long Gone Before Daylight (2003)
18. Lanterna Elm Street (2006)
19. Madrugada Madrugada (2008)
20. Archive - You All Look The Same To Me (2002)
Τop 20 ελληνικών albums 2000 - 2010
1. Sigmatropic – Dark Outside (2007)
2. George Kontrafouris Trio: The Storyteller (2007)
3. The Earthbound – Brotherhood of the Dog (2004)
4. Raining Pleasure - Flood: (coming of a) great quantity of water (2001)
5. Παύλoς Παυλίδης & B-Movies – Άλλη Μια Μέρα (2006)
6. Film – Persona (2009)
7. Matisse - Cheap As Art (2005)
8. Monika – Avatar (2008)
9. Night On Earth - Stage / Radio (2006)
10. Abbie Gale 2 (2007)
11. Bokomolech Exit (trance) (2003)
12. An Orange End: Lego (2009)
13. Mickey Pantelous & The Chessmates – Hangover (2005)
14. Markos Delivorias - Night flight (2003)
15. Γιάννης Αγγελάκας - Οι ανάσες των λύκων (2005)
16. Πλάτων Ανδριτσάκης – Αύριο Θα’ναι Αργά (OST) (2001)
17. Blue Pilots Project: Reboot (2009)
18. Θανάσης Παπακωνσταντίνου – Αγρύπνια (2002)
19. Κ. Βήτα – Άργος (2007)
20. Monsieur Minimal: Lollipop (2009)
Top 10 ελληνικών albums
1. Film “Persona”
2. Monsieur Minimal “Lollipop”
3. Vodka Juniors “Dark Poetry”
4. Blue Pilots Project “Reboot”
5. An Orange End “Lego”
6. Serafim Tsotsonis “So This Is Heaven”
7. Flakes “Lick Yo Urfin Gersi f Youlik Eit”
8. Νικήτας Κλιντ “Cheap Sience”
9. Sunset Blvd. “The Most Beautiful Girl”
10. Xaxakes “Τo Βαλς των Ελαφιών”
Top 10 ξένων albums
1. Florence and The Machine “Lungs”
2. Bat for Lashes “Two Suns”
3. PJ Harvey, John Parish A Woman A Man Walked By
4. Moby “Wait for Me”
5. Archive “Controlling Crowds”
6. Bob Dylan “Together Through Life”
7. The Flowers of Hell “Come Hell of High Water”
8. Broken Records “Until the Earth Begins To Part”
9. Franz Ferdinand “Tonight: Franz Ferdinand”
10. Placebo “Battle For The Sun”
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